7 Great Books on Organization Culture
7 Great Books on Organization Culture

7 Great Books on Organization Culture

No Rules Rules

no rules rules by reed hastings summary

As a leader, your first priority should be to build a workplace of stunning colleagues. Stunning colleagues accomplish are not only exceptionally creative and passionate, they are extremely productive and accomplish significant amounts of important work. At the other end of the spectrum are jerks, slackers and sweet people with mediocre performance. Don’t let any of them bring down the overall performance of your team. READ NOW >>>

What You Do Is Who You Are

what you do is who you are summary

The culture is much more than trying to get people to behave in a way you want them to when no one is watching. Your employees are just people and people are far from uniform. They come from different background, geographies, races and even eras. To get all of them to conform to and be reasonably happy with a common set of norms is a challenging puzzle. READ NOW >>>


Netflix is an epitome of corporate nimbleness. With grace and agility, they adapted to the changing needs of viewers, industry landscape, and successfully embraced the transition from DVD rental to online streaming service. This nimble adaptation wouldn’t have been possible had Netflix followed the old-fashioned processes and hierarchies. READ NOW >>>

No Hard Feelings

no hard feelings

How do you stop the office grouch from ruining your day? How do you enjoy a vacation without obsessing about the unanswered emails in your inbox? The modern workplace can be an emotional minefield, filled with confusing power structures and unwritten rules. We’re expected to be authentic, but not too authentic. Professional, but not stiff. Friendly, but not an oversharer. Easier said than done! READ NOW >>>

Work Rules!

work rules

People operations has become a popular name for HR department. Dropbox, Facebook, LinkedIn, Square, Zinga and over 20 other companies have adopted the name. More than anything, what unites us in people operations is the vision that work doesn’t’ need to be miserable. That it can be novel, exciting and energizing. This is what drives us. READ NOW >>>

Delivering Happiness

In an interconnected world, companies are becoming more transparent than ever. An unhappy customer or a disgruntled employee can blog about a bad expedience with a company, and the story can spread like wildfire. This can either be good or bad. Good news is a great experience with a company can be read by millions of people simultaneously. READ NOW >>>

The Culture Code

Words are noise. Group performance depends on behavior that communicates one powerful idea “We are safe and connected”. Not coincidentally, successful groups have adopted family-sequel identifiers like Pixarians, Googlers, Zapponians. READ NOW >>>