7 Great Books on Customer Experience
7 Great Books on Customer Experience

7 Great Books on Customer Experience

The New Gold Standard

the new gold standard

Most people think Ritz attracts the best talents by having an overly generous compensation plan. But nothing could be further from the truth. Ritz pays the same as the rest in their space. It’s how they select their people and what they do when they join their family that makes a difference. READ MORE >>>

Hug Your Haters

Most businesses think they’re providing exceptional customer service while, customer satisfaction levels across many industries hasn’t improved for decades. Eighty percent of companies say they deliver outstanding customer service, but only 8 percent of their customers agree. This book will help you close that gap by re-configuring your customer service to deliver knockout experiences. READ MORE >>>

Never Lose a Customer Again

There’s no better way to increase your profits, according to the author, than to retain your customers for life. The cost of customer acquisition can be in most circumstances much higher than that of customer retention. Customer service is reactive while the customer experience is proactive. READ MORE >>>

Delivering Happiness

In an interconnected world, companies are becoming more transparent than ever. An unhappy customer or a disgruntled employee can blog about a bad expedience with a company, and the story can spread like wildfire. This can either be good or bad. Good news is a great experience with a company can be read by millions of people simultaneously. READ MORE >>>

Disney U

disney u

At Disney, there are no employees. There are cast members who are living by Disney values and delivering extraordinary customer service and making the world a happier place. Disney cast members are empowered to make contact with any guest coming into Disney property. Disney calls this contact ‘on-stage’.  READ MORE >>>


fanocracy summary

Competition in business used to be down the street. Today, with the rise of the Internet and social media, competition seems to be everywhere. Gone are the days we win over the customers based on the product or service alone. In the new world of competition, the relationships we build with our customers play a more significant role than the solutions we offer. READ MORE >>>

The Effortless Experience

Summary The Effortless Experience Conquering the New Battleground for Customer Loyalty by Matthew Dixon, Nick Toman, and Rick DeLisi

Delighting customers in the service channel doesn’t always pay. Customers whose expectations are exceeded are only marginally more loyal than those expectations are borderline met. Customer service doesn’t always drive customer loyalty. But customer service almost always drives customer disloyalty. READ MORE >>>