30 Great Books on Leadership
30 Great Books on Leadership

30 Great Books on Leadership

The Captain Class

The sixteen most dominant teams in sports history had one thing in common: Each employed the same type of captain—a singular leader with an unconventional set of skills and tendencies. Drawing on original interviews with athletes, general managers, coaches, and team-building experts, Sam Walker identifies the seven core qualities of the Captain Class—from extreme doggedness and emotional control to tactical aggression and the courage to stand apart. Told through riveting accounts of pressure-soaked moments in sports history, The Captain Class will challenge your assumptions of what inspired leadership looks like. READ MORE >>>

Believe Us

Aside from elevating the football operation at the training ground, Klopp has had a sizeable impact on advancing infrastructure at Liverpool and growing revenue streams. When FSG hired the German, they were certain he could holistically upgrade the club as he had done so at Mainz and Dortmund. He did not only count flipping a finger to the odds, playing superb football and collecting silverware as success. For Klopp, the true measure of any manager is how much you can still feel their influence long after they’ve gone. READ MORE >>>


People will join your side if you have power and are willing to use it, not just because they are afraid of your hurting them but also because they want to be close to your power and success. What this implies is that if we interact with powerful people because we need them to do some task or to help us in our career, over time we will come to like them more or at least forgive their rough edges. And in choosing who we will associate with, usefulness to our career and job loom as important criteria. READ MORE >>>

Ask Your Developer

Being a software person is a mindset. It’s not a skill set. Software mindset starts by listening to customers, rapidly building potential solutions to their problems, getting real feedback and then constantly iterating to improve. With this constant progression, anyone can apply a software mindset to solve more and more of the world’s problems.  READ MORE >>>


upstream dan heath

Imagine this. If you’re a police officer, it’s much easier to say, “I arrested this guy” than to say, “I spent my whole day talking to this wayward kid.”. Similarly if you’re a healthcare professional, it’s easier to ask yourself “How do I restore my patients’ health?” than to ask, “How can I respond to the underlying problems that make them unhealthy in the first place?” READ MORE >>>

Helping People Change

helping people change

Great coaches inspire, encourage and support others in the pursuit of their dreams and the achievement of their full potential. The authors refer to this as ‘coaching through compassion’. This is different from ‘coaching through compliance’, in which a coach simply exerts to move one using some externally defined objective. READ MORE >>>

Who Not How

summary Who Not How The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy

‘Who’ creates abundance and self-expansion. ‘How’ limits you to your own knowledge, experience and capabilities. It requires you to engage your time, energy and attention into a particular task that may or may not matter. Worse, ‘how’ decreases your freedom of time. READ MORE >>>

The Airbnb Way

Summary The Airbnb Way 5 Leadership Lessons for Igniting Growth through Loyalty, Community, and Belonging by Joseph Michelli

Leaders must position their businesses in the direction of sustainable consumption that minimizes the environmental impact of a business while maintaining economic viability. Likewise, they must position their companies to bring competencies that innovatively address disaster situations. READ MORE >>>

Leadership Strategy and Tactics

leadership strategy and tactics field manual

Anyone can improve their ability to lead, but one. A person who lacks humility cannot improve leadership skills because they don’t acknowledge their own weaknesses and so they can’t work to improve them. On top of that, they won’t bring someone onto the team to offset their shortfalls. READ MORE >>>

The Advice Trap

the advice trap

Humility is the best weapon against your advice monster’s “I’m better than the other person” DNA. It doesn’t mean you know nothing, being meek or diminishing yourself to worthlessness. Humility means having your feet sufficiently planted so you know your strengths, weaknesses and wisdom surrounding you.  READ MORE >>>

The Vision-Driven Leader

the vision driven leader summary

In the Vision Driven Leader, Michael Hyatt emphasizes the importance of crafting a clear, compelling vision and getting stakeholder buy-in for your business success. You’ll also learn why there is such thing as ‘too many visions’ and why too many resources can potentially cripple a perfectly healthy organization. READ MORE >>>

The Motive


The best golfers and tennis players and other athletes pay people a fortune to coach them. Why in the world would one think a head of marketing or sales or finance doesn’t need a coach? And that’s to say nothing of managing them as a team. It’s a sign of neglect for a CEO to stop managing people just because he can get away with it. READ MORE >>>

Rebel Ideas

rebel ideas

People don’t’ say what they think. They say what the leader wants to hear. Over the last two decades, the time spent by managers and employees in collaborative activates has increase by more than 50 percent. But meetings predict terrible outcomes even more powerfully than smoking predicts cancer. They start to migrate towards the alpha, parroting his viewpoint, shrinking their own bandwidth in the process. READ MORE >>>

Good Boss Bad Boss

Managing is like holding a dove in your hand. If you hold it too tightly, you kill it, but if you hold it too loosely, you lose it. it captures the delicate balance that every good boss seeks between managing too much and too little. Effective bosses know it is sometimes best to leave their people alone. They realize that keeping a close eye on people often either has no effect on performance or undermines it. READ MORE >>>

Extreme Ownership

When it comes to performance standards, it’s not what you preach, it’s what you tolerate. By dedicating time to mentor and train underperformers, you’re dedicating to improve your team performance. Only when an underperformer chooses not to put an effort as much as you do, you must make a tough decision. READ MORE >>>

Dichotomy of Leadership

Check your ego, accept constructive criticism and take ownership of your mistakes. Understand the importance of strategic direction from your boss and accept you don’t have it all figured out. But don’t go overboard that you remain silent when a strategic direction will almost certainly endanger your team mission. READ MORE >>>

Black Box Thinking

Black Box Thinking is the willingness and tenacity to investigate the lessons that often exist when we fail, but which we rarely exploit. It’s about creating systems and cultures that enable organizations to learn from errors, rather than being threatened by them. READ MORE >>>

The Making of a Manager

Good CEOS know that they should double down on the projects they’re working and put more people, resources, and attention on those rather than get every single project to the point of “not failing”. Similarly, good investors know that helping to identify and grow a single start-up to the next billion-dollar company is worth dozens of their investments that lose money. READ MORE >>>

The Road Less Stupid

Culture isn’t about jelly beans in the kitchen. Nor it is about brining your dog to the workplace. Culture is how we talk each other, how we treat each other, how we trust each other, how we handle conflicts. Culture is about accountability, measuring and bias for urgency, a focus on solutions, calling it tight and saying what needs to be said, being kind and generous, acknowledging one another and expressing appreciation. READ MORE >>>

The Hard Thing About Hard Things

As company grows, communication becomes biggest challenge. If employees fundamentally trust CEO, then communication will be vastly more efficient than if they don’t. Telling things as there is a critical part of building this trust. READ MORE >>>

Start With Why

Why starts from the inside. When we start with why we go from inside out of the circle. Apple is just a company like another. There’s no real difference between its competitors. However, Apple communicates from the Why, Apple’s Why is to challenge the status quo and empower the individual. And their what and how stays consistent in all they say and do, which is why we perceive Apple as authentic. READ MORE >>>

Good to Great

The good-to-great companies are more like hedgehogs – simple, dowdy creatures that know “one big thing” and stick to it. The comparison companies are more like foxes – crafty, cunning creatures that know many things yet lack consistency. It took 4 years on average for good-to-great companies to get a Hedgehog concept. READ MORE >>>

The One Minute Manager

Never attack a person. A person is not a problem. His behavior is. Touch is very honest. People now immediately when you touch them if you care about them or pretend to do so to manipulate them. When you touch, you should not take. You should refrain touching until you know them and am really interested in their success. READ MORE >>>

Coaching Habit

Coaching is an art and it’s far easier said than done. It takes courage to ask a question rather than offer up advice, provide and answer, or unleash a solution. In this practical and inspiring book, Michael shares seven transformative questions that can make a difference in how we lead and support. READ MORE >>>



Change most often happens by speaking to people’s feelings. There’s a big difference between knowing how to act and being motivated to act. Change happens in see-feel-change sequence, not in analyze-think-change. READ MORE >>>



Just making a decision can be hard enough, but how do you begin to judge whether it’s the right one? Chip and Dan Heath, authors of #1 New York Times best-seller Switch, show you how to overcome your brain’s natural shortcomings. READ MORE >>>

The Infinite Game

the infinite game summary

Live a life of service. None of us wants our tombstones the last balance in our bank account. We want to be remembered for what we did for others. Devoted mother. Loving father. Loyal friend. To serve is good for the game. We only get one choice in the infinite game of life. READ MORE >>>

Raise Your Game

raise your game summary

A leader’s primary job is to find out what each team member does really well and how to best utilize that skillset for the team’s benefit. If you have to say something 100 times, the problem is on your end. Your message is not getting through. Adjust your message so that 101st is the last. READ MORE >>>


wolfpack summary

The old way is to lead with vulnerability and enlist a team of followers. The new way is to lead with full humanity and cultivate a team of leaders. Leader is not a title the world gives to you. It’s an offering you give to the world. If you have a voice, you have influence to spread. If you have relationships, you have hearts to guide. If you know young people, you have futures to mold. READ MORE >>>


leadershift summary

Every leader who has moral authority had to stand alone at some point. Such moments made them. Combine courage with integrity. You’ll be a leader people are happy to follow regardless of the destination. We teach what we know. But we reproduce who we are. READ MORE >>>