Ultimate font collection for graphic design
Ultimate font collection for graphic design

Ultimate font collection for graphic design

Clean Sans

  • Alcubierre
  • Dosis
  • IBM Plex sans
  • Open sans
  • Quicksand
  • Sarabun
  • Lato
  • Ostrich
  • Biko

Semi Serif

  • Junction

Classy Serif

  • Morva
  • Rokkitt
  • Prociono
  • Roboto Slab
  • Josefin Slab
  • Solway
  • Source Serif Pro


  • DeliusSwashCaps
  • Handlee
  • Lily
  • PatrickHand
  • ComicNeue

Creative and Unconventional

  • Aventura
  • OstrichSans Bold
  • FrederickatheGreat
  • SpecialElite
  • Neon / Neoneon (Outlined)
  • Anthology (Outlined)

Thick and Bold

  • WorkSans
  • BowlbyOne
  • Fela
  • Myra
  • Peace Sans