Summary: Late Bloomers by Rich Karlgaard
Summary: Late Bloomers by Rich Karlgaard

Summary: Late Bloomers by Rich Karlgaard

Kindle | Hardcover | Audiobook

Exposure to novelty and challenge while the brain’s front cortex is still plastic (under 25) leads to greater long-term career success.

The more the young people are given take a break from college and go on two-year missions. As a result, young adults graduate at 24, rather than 22.


Cognitive research has revealed that each of us has two types of intelligence:

  1. Fluid intelligence (GF) – capacity to reason and solve novel problems, peaks earlier in life
  2. Crystalized intelligence (GC) – ability to use skills, knowledge and experience, peaks middle-age and beyond


Fail often to succeed faster. But to fail, you must try.

Consider our culture opinions on quitting. The unwritten laws are:

Quitting shows you can’t take the heat. You can’t handle the stress. You lack internal fortitude. You lack willpower. Quitters never win and winners never quit. If you’re quitter, you’ll never succeed.

Quit projects and businesses all the time. Richard Branson for example is a serial quitter. Think of all the businesses he excited when they didn’t work as he hoped (Virgin cola, Virgin digital, Virgin cars, Virgin brides).


The real waste is not by sacrificing our past by quitting and failing endeavor. It is by sacrificing our future by not pursuing something better.

Personally, Rich thinks you should quit when you have a clear idea of plan B and a clear picture of your rebirth.


Speak to yourself using ‘You’.

People who speak to themselves as another person using their own names and pronounce “you” performed better in stressful situations than those who used first-person “I”.


Say “You’re Excited” out loud.

Individuals who framed their anxiety as excitement felt more genuine enthusiasm and performed significantly better. Say “You’re excited” out loud.


Treat yourself as you would treat your best friend.

Adopting a self-compassionate frame is about treating ourselves as we were our close friends or loved ones, even if they, we made the mistakes.


Dandelion can thrive in almost anywhere while Orchids thrive under certain conditions.

Low-reactive people and extroverts do well in a range of situations. A high-reactive people and introverts can thrive under certain environments.

High-reactive children (those who grew agitated by lights and sounds) are more likely to suffer from anxiety, shyness and depression as a result of stress. The wrong pot could damage these kids. But the same kids could thrive in a stable home with good environment and child care.


An employee should never confuse where he will boom in a certain culture.

Find the right spot, whether by location or by organizational culture is crucial to our booming. Smith chooses FedEx to run like a military. An ex-marine insists on the corporate dress code, white shirts and ties for men, and a strict adherence schedule. Being late for meetings is a no-no. Richard Branson and Virgins group on the other hand is structured more loosely.


In general, the older you grow, the more persistent you become.

The most persistent adults are in their late 60s or older, the least persistent, well, they’re in their 20s. Persistence, experience and age go hand in hand. Level of our persistence increases when we determine our life philosophy, learn to rebound from disappointment and realize how to tell the difference between low-stake goals that can be abandoned and high-stake goals that demand persistence.


The old brick-and-mortar economy is being regulated to death.

The new tech-driven economy has been given a pass to evade regulations and build vast value. It’s no surprise therefore the investment economy pours into the bits economy and prefers to avoid the atoms economy.


Kindle | Hardcover | Audiobook