Summary: Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller
Summary: Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller

Summary: Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller

Kindle | Hardcover | Audiobook

A Customer is the Hero in your Story.

In every great story, a hero encounters a problem to be solved and a challenge to be won. SB7 should be incorporated into all of my marketing materials from my website to lead nurturing email campaigns to brochures, keynotes and presentations so that my message is clear and consistent. Doing so attracts and retains customers like a super magnet.

Most Marketing Activities are Money Pits

When I confuse I lose.

Pretty websites don’t sell things. Words sell things. The simpler and more predictable the communication is the easier it is to digest.

3 Questions Customers must be able to Answer in First Few Minutes

  1. What do I offer?
  2. WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?)
  3. What do I need to do to buy it?

If it doesn’t precisely serve the plot – cut it.

StoryBrand 7 Framework (SB7)

  • A Character encounters
  • A Problem. At the peak of their despair,
  • A Guide steps into their lives gives them a Plan, and Calls them to Action.
  • That action helps them avoids Failure and ends in Success.

Customers buy solutions to ‘internal’ problems, not ‘external’ problems

  • External – a physical, tangible problem
  • Internal – a backstory of frustration
  • Philosophical – even larger than the story itself

Tesla’s approach to addressing pain points could be

  • External –  I need a car.
  • Internal – I feel cool when someone sees me driving a latest technology.
  • Philosophical – I should do my part to save the environment.

Logitech approach to addressing pain points could be

  • External – I need a mouse.
  • Internal – I cannot use my computer efficiently.
  • Philosophical – It hurts my productivity.

Heroes aren’t looking for another hero.

They’re looking for a guide. Remember the empathy and humility to see the story is not about the guide, it’s about the hero.

Customers Trust a Guide who has a Plan.

List step-by-step to help guide customers to the solution. Even if these steps are obvious to me, my customers will want to hear them. It builds their confidence in moving forward and affirming their decision to buy.

And calls them to Action.

Customers do not take action unless they’re challenged to do so. Same CTA should be repeated above the fold, front, and center of my website and again and again as people scroll down the page.

  • Direct CTA – calls a customer to place an order (Buy Now Button)
  • Transitional CTA – ‘on-ramps’ a customer toward an eventual buy (Examples – Free Information, testimonials, samples, free trails)

Finally Ends in Success.

Never assume people understand how my brand can change their lives. I must tell them! Give the sense of urgency just enough to propel them forward. No need to overstate the fear and urgency, but remind the tragedies if they don’t take action.

3 Dominant Ways to tell a Happy Ending

  1. Win some sort of power/position/status.
  2. Be unified with somebody or something that makes them a whole.
  3. Experience self-realization that makes them a whole.

These are basic human desires. Harness them.

Implementing SB7 Framework

Create a One-Liner

Articulate my message (pain-relief) in one concise, powerful statement . The statement should work everywhere from my girlfriend to my family to someone at a cocktail party.

“Character + Problem + Plan + Success = Compelling One-Liner”

SB Example- Most business leaders don’t know how to talk about their company so we created a framework that helps them simplify their message, create great marketing material, connect with customers, and grow their business.

Don’t necessarily have to be one sentence. Think of it as a statement that communicates these four ideas. Write it out, recite in front of mirror, share with family, memorize and own it. And don’t forget to include it on my website, social media, business card, brochure, email signature and any marketing collateral I can think of.

Build lead magnets

Irresistible lead generator that offers real value to customer through the value it provides. I get what I give so give generously and it will come back to me. Here are some lead magnets to try:

  1. Downloadable guide
  2. Online course or webinar
  3. Software demoes or a free trail
  4. Free samples
  5. Live events

Build Automated Email Campaign

The average open rate to email campaigns is about 20%. But even if customer sees and deletes, it still accomplishes my goal, I consistently show up in their inbox, reminding them that I exist. If customer unsubscribes, it’s a good thing. I just unloaded a dead weight.

Email Technology Tools

  1. A.Weber
  2. Get Response
  3. Click Funnels
  4. HubSpot
  5. InfusionSoft

Weekly ‘Nurturing Email Campaigns’

  • Email #1 Nurture Email
  • Email #2 Nurture Email
  • Email #3 Nurture Email
  • Email #4 Sales Email with CTA to make their lives easier

Share Success Stories

Tricky part is getting customers present their testimonies a clear and compelling way. Here are 5 Leading Questions to generate consistent and powerful testimonies

  1. What was the problem you were having before you discovered our product?
  2. What was the frustration as you tried to solve the problem?
  3. What was different about our product?
  4. Take us to the moment when you realized our product was actually working to solve your problem.
  5. Describe for us what your life looks like now that your problem is solved.

Create a Referral Incentive System

Word of mouth plays a role in 50%-90% of all buying decisions. It’s powerful but it’s not going to fly itself out the window so have a clear and structured referral system in hand. Here are 3 steps to incentivizing repeat business:

  1. Identify my existing ideal customers and target them directly.
  2. Give my customers something to spread the word. (e.g. PDF instruction, brief video).
  3. Offer a reward (like a discount, point, gift, commission) when someone takes action.

Kindle | Hardcover | Audiobook