Summary: Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur by Victoria R. Montgomery Brown
Summary: Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur by Victoria R. Montgomery Brown

Summary: Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur by Victoria R. Montgomery Brown

Never Lie to Your Investors (even when you just got arrested)

Integrity is the name of the game. Do whatever it takes to protect it and surround yourself with people who require it. Don’t think for a moment that small things don’t matter. What you do and say on a daily basis can come back to bite you. If it feels wrong at all, don’t open your mouth.

Own up your mistakes immediately. Be totally transparent with those who have trusted in you and your idea. You can actually turn an adversity into an opportunity if you’re honest with yourself.


Who Goes First? Raising capital before you have any

Confidence speaks louder than words. Focus on what it makes you extraordinary and build your confidence around it. Remember, you don’t need to know all the things. You just need to know the right people and know how to ask them to do things for you.


Grow a Pair: What it really takes to get a business off the ground

Find an accountability partner to turn procrastination into action. The idea is simple. Tell people what you’re going to do and you’ll be more likely to do it. Get a coach. Find a mentor. Get someone who will hold you accountable to progress and timeline. 


Get Personal: Working with people you like and you don’t

Value actions over words any time of the day. Know the qualifications of the person you work with vs. what they say. Always pay attention to confirmation bias and check for calluses. If you find toxic people in your business, get rid of them without doubt. One toxic person is all it takes to poison the entire organization. 


Boss Not B*tch: Transition from founder to CEO

You have to earn respect to become a leader. There’s no way around it. You can’t command respect. Office isn’t the military. Your people need to feel belonged to perform at their best.


Work It: The advantages of being the only woman in the room

Be you. Dress for success but you don’t need to dress to impress others.

Most people are good-natured, you don’t always need to be thin-skinned. If in doubt, assume good intent.

Be bold and brash. Take chances and speak up when you think you’re in the right context.


Ah, the Romance: The complicated dating life of a woman in power

Romantic partnerships deserve their own space and investment, separate from business relationships. Never date (or even hire) narcissists. They can potentially bring you and your organization down to its knees.

When you feel like you’re stuck with a person or a situation, remember that it’s not your only shot. There’s always another. 


Your Other Marriage: How not to divorce your business partner

Investing in your business relationships gives multiple returns to your professional life. You and your business partners need a clearly defined role in your relationship. They may need time to evolve but they need to evolve nonetheless as your business grows.

Over the course of your partnership, you’ll see hardships. If you stay positive, chances are adversity can strengthen rather than tear down your relationships. But remember, the only thing you can control is yourself. Avoid codependency. Set boundaries and stick to them.


Don’t Panic!: Running a start-up without having a breakdown

Mental health is an issue for many, not just start-up entrepreneurs. There’s nothing to be ashamed about mental illness.

Take your work seriously but not so serious that you lose grip on your life. Life is a gift. Entrepreneurship is the process. Enjoy the process and don’t fear too much about the outcomes


Trying Harder to Be Softer: Finding joy at work

The only thing constant in life is change. The same is true in entrepreneurship. Situations can change quickly. One minute you feel like you’re facing a possible demise and the other minute, you find joy even in the depths of deep uncertainty.

Bend but don’t break. Being soft has its advantage. You don’t always need to be tough to be effective. Being vulnerable can lead to more trusting and empathetic relationships than you can imagine.

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