Summary: Energy Healing Made Easy By Abby Wynne
Summary: Energy Healing Made Easy By Abby Wynne

Summary: Energy Healing Made Easy By Abby Wynne

Be authentic in your work

authenticity means not lying to yourself any more. Not pretending that everything is OK when it isn’t, or pretending that things are not OK, when they actually are. You must question what you are saying to yourself. Ask yourself if it’s actually true, and have the strength to accept what is true and let go of what is not. Energy Healing also means being congruent. The healed person knows what their heart feels, understands their gut instinct, and works with both of them. They don’t tear themselves apart trying to believe something that they know deep down is a lie.

Congruence: as above, so below What your brain wants, thinks, or believes is the same as your heart, your intuition and your soul.  So many of us hold ourselves back because we push ourselves too hard in the direction we think we should be going in life, and don’t stop to listen to how we feel.


Why people don’t heal

One of the reasons people don’t heal is incongruence. Hiding something from yourself because you are not able to accept it, or don’t want to work with it, is a form of denial. Your body knows it’s there, your soul knows, but by your brain consciously pushing it away and acting as if it doesn’t exist, you become incongruent. Incongruence is a big block to healing.

There are a few other reasons why people don’t heal – you can’t let go of emotional pain that you’re not ready to let go of yet. Awareness and being gentle with yourself really help here; understanding the source of the pain that you struggle with can help you do whatever you may need to do, before you can let it go.


The power of intention

Intention is a decision to do something. It’s an aim, a plan or a direction. Intention is usually set within the context of what you want to do with your day, or with your life – ‘Today I am going to have a good day’, or ‘He studied medicine with the intention of getting a job as a doctor.’

Intention is fundamental to healing work. You need to set an intention to heal before the healing will happen. A healing intention must be in alignment with all the aspects of yourself, all the aspects of your soul. (Alignment meaning on the same side, and in agreement with.) So, if your intention is to go to college and study medicine to be a doctor, but your heart wants you to be an artist, you’re not in alignment with your decision.

That’s a big example – but again, if you’re not ready to heal something and your brain is pushing you to ‘get over yourself and heal it’.  This creates more resistance. Then the healing becomes more painful than it needs to be. Healing is an organic process – it’s natural, and only happens when you are ready. The first part of being ready is to set your intention to heal.


The power of permission

it sounds funny, but sometimes you get so used to feeling bad you’re afraid to feel better. Permission is very powerful, and if you don’t give yourself permission to heal, you won’t accept the healing. Permission is also important when you are ‘sending’ healing to someone else, and we will talk about that later, but it is important for you to give yourself permission too. It’s like opening a door and sometimes, when you set the intention and give permission to heal, that’s actually all that it takes for the healing to happen. Very powerful!

You can say it out loud, or you can say it quietly to yourself, but it’s best when you quiet your mind and focus your awareness on what you are doing and feeling. Try to bring your mind into the present moment and don’t get caught up in thoughts around how, why, when or anything else.


The power of receiving

You’ve set an intention and now you’ve given permission. See how it’s all building up! Now you need to open and receive. How do you know if you’re really opening up to receive? Imagine you’ve bought some new clothes, and your friend says ‘I love that outfit on you, you look amazing!’ You say, ‘Not really, it’s just some new clothes…’ and brush it away. That’s not receiving what they’re saying. Your self-esteem and self-worth have an influence over this. If you have low self-esteem, it’s harder to accept a compliment.

Let’s try again. They say how amazing you look and you say, ‘Thank you!’, and you blush and turn away, and close down your heart because it’s not really possible that you would look amazing. Well, it’s better, but you’re still not receiving the compliment.

Let’s try one more time. They say how amazing you look. You look them in the eye and you stay there. You don’t run away in your mind, but this time you feel it. Imagine that the compliment they sent you is a ball of light, coming from them to you. You stay and accept it. You feel a shock or a hit from the light as it enters and becomes absorbed into your system. Like a shiver! Then you say, ‘Thank you, I appreciate you saying that.’ A higher vibrational energy (the compliment) coming into your system can feel strange, even painful, in a good way, depending on what vibration you are carrying in that moment. That’s why we run from compliments; they change our vibration, if we let them.


Healing can get worse before it gets better

Healing can get worse before it gets better – have you ever given up sugar or caffeine? There’s a detox period in which your body releases the bad chemicals that were bound up in your body, and you can feel ill from that. You can have a terrible headache, you can be dopey in your mind, need to sleep or just feel rotten overall. But if you persist, after a few days your body clears, and then you really start to feel the benefits. You may feel lighter, more awake and have more energy. The same thing can happen with healing. It’s called a Healing Crisis, but it won’t last, and when it’s done you will feel much better. So, don’t give up!