Summary: Greatest Forgiveness By Zhi Gang Sha
Summary: Greatest Forgiveness By Zhi Gang Sha

Summary: Greatest Forgiveness By Zhi Gang Sha

What Is Greatest Forgiveness?

What is the greatest forgiveness? It is unconditional forgiveness. Unconditional forgiveness is to forgive completely, without any conditions or expectations. It is to let go totally of any upset, anger, vengefulness, victimization, sense of injustice, anxiety, fear, and more. It can be very hard for people to offer unconditional forgiveness.

In ancient China, a young unmarried woman became pregnant. Her parents were beyond angry and felt great shame. They asked their daughter who the father was. The daughter said that it was a monk from a nearby temple. This monk was a renowned and revered spiritual father in the local region, which covered thousands of square miles.

The parents went to the temple and yelled at the monk. Although the monk was totally surprised, he remained completely calm. He smiled gently and said, “This is real?” and nothing else.

When the baby was born, the parents gave him to the monk. The monk accepted the baby. When the villagers and more and more people heard what happened, many became very upset with the monk. Some even yelled profanities at the monk and spat on his face. The monk completely tolerated the insults and said nothing.

Like many monks in that time, this monk had taken a vow of poverty and would beg for food. Whenever he did so, some people would continue to insult the monk very strongly. Despite all the verbal and sometimes physical abuse, the monk kept silent and continued to raise the baby lovingly.

The baby’s mother saw everything that happened to the monk. Her heart was so moved by the monk’s love, forgiveness, calmness, and forbearance that she was racked with guilt. No longer able to tolerate it, she admitted to her parents that the baby’s father was not the monk but rather the fishmonger in the market. The parents deeply regretted what they had done to the monk. They went to the temple to apologize. The monk smiled gently and said, “I forgive you.”

This is a story of greatest unconditional forgiveness.


The Power and Significance of Greatest Forgiveness

Unconditional forgiveness, which is greatest forgiveness, can transform negative soul records beyond comprehension. It is the number one way to self-clear and self-transform all kinds of negative shen qi jing, which can block us in every aspect of life.

Negative soul records are the root cause for all challenges in health, relationships, finances, business, and every aspect of life. Therefore, to transform all your life challenges is to remove the root cause, which can be done through unconditional forgiveness.

Unconditional greatest forgiveness must come from all levels of the soul, heart, mind, and body. The key is for it to come from the heart and soul levels. Sincerity and honesty move people, Heaven, and souls.

Forgiveness is not a one-time practice. Forgiveness has layers and is a gradual process that occurs over time for most people. Forgiveness opens the heart and soul. Forgiveness is one of the golden keys to unlock the door to advancing in every aspect of life.

The more forgiveness practice you do, the more flourishing you could achieve in every aspect of life. Forgiveness is the key to bring love, peace, and harmony.


Apply Greatest Forgiveness with the Tao Calligraphy Da Kuan Shu to Transform All Life

Apply the following practical Five Power Techniques to transform all of your life with unconditional greatest forgiveness. The Five Power Techniques are:

  1. Body Power. Body Power is special body, hand, and finger positions for healing, rejuvenation, and transformation. In one sentence: Where you put your hands is where you receive benefits.
  2. Soul Power. Soul Power is to say hello. To say hello is to invoke outer souls such as Tao Source, the Divine, spiritual fathers and mothers, Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. It is also to invoke inner souls of one’s own soul, heart, mind, and body. In one sentence: Whomever you invoke is who offers you benefits.
  3. Mind Power. Mind Power is creative visualization. In one sentence: What you visualize is what blesses you.
  4. Sound Power. Sound Power is to repeatedly chant or sing special mantras or vibratory sounds. In one sentence: What you chant is what you become.
  5. Tracing Power. Tracing Power is to connect with and trace Tao Calligraphy. Tao Calligraphy is calligraphy of the Source. It carries Source shen qi jing for healing, rejuvenation, and transformation of all life. “Da” means greatest. “Kuan shu” means forgiveness. So “Da Kuan Shu” (pronounced dah kwahn shoo) means greatest forgiveness.


Physical body

For any sickness, disease, pain, inflammation, tumor, cancer, or other physical health condition, apply the Five Power Techniques as follows:

Body Power. Place one palm on your lower abdomen below your navel. Your lower abdomen is a foundational area for your soul, heart, mind, energy, and matter. Place your other palm over the organ, part of the body, or area for which you want healing. Remember, where you put your hands is where you receive benefits.

Soul Power. Say hello to outer souls and inner souls (whomever you invoke is who offers you benefits):

Dear Source and Divine,

Dear all spiritual fathers and mothers in all realms,

Dear Heaven and Mother Earth,

Dear countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes,

Dear all the souls my ancestors or I have harmed in this lifetime and all lifetimes,

Dear shen qi jing of _________ (name the system, organ, part of the body, or physical health condition, such as hypertension, diabetes, a tumor, cancer, or pain, for which you want healing),

I love you all.

Please forgive my ancestors and me for the mistakes we have made in this lifetime and all lifetimes.

We unconditionally forgive anyone who harmed my ancestors or me in all lifetimes.

Please give me healing, blessing, rejuvenation, and transformation for _________ (repeat your request for the physical body).

I am extremely grateful. Thank you.

Mind Power. Visualize golden light shining in the area of your request.

Remember, what you visualize is what blesses you. Light heals, blesses, rejuvenates, and transforms. Ancient wisdom teaches jin guang zhao ti, bai bing xiao chu, which means golden light shines in the body, all sicknesses are removed.

Sound Power. Chant or sing this three-line forgiveness mantra repeatedly:

forgive you unconditionally.

You forgive me unconditionally.

Bring love, peace, and harmony.

Remember, what you chant is what you become. You are becoming unconditional greatest forgiveness. Those you have harmed are becoming unconditional greatest forgiveness. Those who have harmed you are becoming unconditional greatest forgiveness. Love, peace, and harmony are coming to you, to those you have harmed, and to those who have harmed you.

Tracing Power. Trace the Tao Calligraphy Da Kuan Shu (Greatest Forgiveness) along its oneness path with the five fingertips of one hand together.

Chant and trace for at least ten minutes. What you trace is what you become. The longer you chant and trace, the better the results you could receive. For chronic and serious (for example, life-threatening) conditions, chant and trace for a total of two hours per day. You can split the time into several practice sessions, but your total practice time should be at least two hours each day.

Close. End your healing, blessing, rejuvenation, and transformation practice session by saying:

Hao. Hao. Hao. (Mandarin Chinese for good, perfect, healthy, pronounced how)

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. (to all the souls who supported your practice)

Gong song. Gong song. Gong song. (Mandarin Chinese for respectfully return to your abode to the outer souls you invoked, pronounced gōng sōng with long o’s as in oh)


Mental body

The secret wisdom is that the heart houses the mind and the soul. Therefore, for any mental challenges and conditions, the secret practice is to use the heart to heal.

Body Power. Place one palm on your lower abdomen below your navel. Your lower abdomen is a foundational area for your soul, heart, mind, energy, and matter. Place your other palm over your heart.

Soul Power. Say hello to outer souls and inner souls:

Dear Source and Divine,

Dear all spiritual fathers and mothers in all realms,

Dear Heaven and Mother Earth,

Dear countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes,

Dear all the souls my ancestors or I have harmed in any way related to mental challenges and conditions in this lifetime and all lifetimes,

Dear shen qi jing of my heart and mind,

I love you all.

Please forgive my ancestors and me for the mistakes we have made in this lifetime and all lifetimes causing mental challenges and conditions in others and for the times we have hurt others through our mental challenges.

We unconditionally forgive anyone who caused mental challenges in my ancestors or me in all lifetimes.

Please heal my _______________ (name your mental condition or make a request for your mind, e.g., remove negative mind-sets, attitudes, or beliefs, remove ego or attachments, remove judgment, remove self-doubt, etc.).

I am extremely grateful.

Thank you.

Mind Power. Visualize your heart and mind shining golden light.

Sound Power. Chant or sing repeatedly:

I forgive you unconditionally.

You forgive me unconditionally.

Bring love, peace, and harmony.

Tracing Power. Trace the Tao Calligraphy Da Kuan Shu (Greatest Forgiveness) along its oneness path using the Five Fingers Hand Position. Chant and trace for at least ten minutes. The longer you chant and trace, the better the results you could receive. If you have chronic or serious mental blockages or conditions, chant and trace for a total of two hours per day. You can split the time into several practice sessions, but your total practice time should be at least two hours.

Close. End your healing and transformational practice session by saying:

Hao. Hao. Hao.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Gong song. Gong song. Gong song.


Spiritual body

The heart houses the mind and the soul. Therefore, to heal the spiritual body is also to use the heart to heal.

Body Power. Place one palm on your lower abdomen below your navel. Your lower abdomen is a foundational area for your soul, heart, mind, energy, and matter. Place your other palm over your heart.

Soul Power. Say hello to outer souls and inner souls:

Dear Source and Divine,

Dear all spiritual fathers and mothers in all realms,

Dear Heaven and Mother Earth,

Dear countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes,

Dear all the souls my ancestors or I have harmed in any way related to the spiritual journey in this lifetime and all lifetimes,

Dear shen qi jing of my heart,

I love you all.

Please forgive my ancestors and me for the mistakes we have made in this lifetime and all lifetimes causing any challenges in anyone’s spiritual journey.

We unconditionally forgive anyone who caused challenges in the spiritual journey for my ancestors or me in all lifetimes.

Please heal my spiritual body and bless my spiritual journey.

I am extremely grateful.

Thank you.

Mind Power. Visualize your heart shining golden light.

Sound Power. Chant or sing repeatedly:

I forgive you unconditionally.

You forgive me unconditionally.

Bring love, peace, and harmony.

Tracing Power. Trace the Tao Calligraphy Da Kuan Shu (Greatest Forgiveness) along its oneness path using the Five Fingers Hand Position. Chant and trace for at least ten minutes. The longer you chant and trace, the better the results you could receive.

Close. End your healing and transformational practice session by saying:

Hao. Hao. Hao.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Gong song. Gong song. Gong song