Summary: Hook Point: How to Stand Out in a 3-Second World by Brendan Kane
Summary: Hook Point: How to Stand Out in a 3-Second World by Brendan Kane

Summary: Hook Point: How to Stand Out in a 3-Second World by Brendan Kane

A hook point can consist of a text, a phrase, an insight, a concept, a personality, a performer, a product, a service or a combination of some or all of these elements. You can use a hook point to draw attention either online or offline in the shortest amount of time possible.

Hook points let you generate new leads at scale, create powerful brand messages or even perform well at job interviews. But remember, a hook point is not a clickbait. A hook point is an authentic and compelling story that builds trust and credibility with the receiving end.


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In order to create a hook point, think what makes you and your product ‘unique’ and ‘relevant’ to other peoples’ lives, what pain points are you solving and what is the ultimate outcome people are expecting from your offering. Think about the conversations your prospects are having. Tap into the issues that are keeping them at night. And come up with solutions to the problems they’re trying to fix.  Intentionally flipping the expectations of people is also a good tactic for capturing their attention.

Figure out ways to package your information in a more accessible manner. Break down messages into bite-sized chunks and test them in the form of hook points. If your audience has to think too hard to get a hook point, it’s not a good choice. Make sure it takes less than three seconds to grasp your hook point. It’s also essential to test your hook points. A/B testing your hook point, for example, will help you get clearer about what message is the strongest.

“When creating a hook point, start with a board list, pare it down to the three best choices and repeat the process. Create, narrow down to three and repeat.”

Pay attention to what’s coming next, follow the trends and try to stay ahead of the competition. You can get inspiration from going to a bookstore, looking on social media or checking out other places with lots of hooks to study.


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The right hook point sets clear expectation for your content through the use of headlines, graphics or captions. In the first three seconds of viewing, it makes a promise to your viewers. Make sure that promise is clear and compelling. Each time you create a hook point, ask “What effect is this going to have on my viewers?”

Perform a competitive analysis of the other creators in your space. Analyze their successes and mistakes, and find lessons to create better content. Use social analytics to monitor your results and decide where to go next. Use Reddit, Tubular Labs, and YouTube to find content, hook points and story ideas.


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See the world through your prospects’ eyes. Walk through your buyers’ journey. Speak the language your prospects are speaking. This will position you to package your information and connect with your audience in the most human way possible.

Don’t put your brand at the center of attention. Your brand is not the hero. Your customers are. So, focus on the beliefs, desires and pain points of your audience and provide them with value.

Tell a story that gets your audience to relate, feel connected and fall in love. If you focus on building relationship with your customers, you’ll have more loyal customers.


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Authenticity helps your hook points stick and without it, your hooks will fall flat. Let your inner ‘why’ be a guide to building trust and authenticity. As Ernest Lupinacci said, “People don’t buy what you make, they buy what you believe.”

Be honest with yourself and your customers’ expectations. Tell them upfront what you can deliver and what you can’t. Only take on work that truly speaks to you and that is within your capacity. Never be afraid to say ‘no’. Sometimes, no can create more demand.

Success in sales comes from building trust-filled relationships. Don’t let impatience destroy your future opportunities. Be patient. Build the relationship you need and play the long game.


Learn to listen, listen to learn

Listening helps you find hook points, stories and solutions that speak to your customers’ most common problems. Try to ask a lot of questions. Don’t play the guessing game. Remember, different people want different things in life.

Don’t pitch. Instead, tell stories, present your products and services. Practice your hook points with trusted friends, families and business partners. Pay attention to how they respond and fine tune as you go.

Create content to connect with your audiences’ desires and needs. When creating content, always keep the receiving end in mind. Create something they want to see, not what you want to show them. Shift your focus from “I’m here to sell my product” to “I’m here to deliver my solution”. Use social platforms and search engines to stay up to date with trends, research topics and styles that people are looking for.


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If a product or service doesn’t provide any value, it shouldn’t exist in the first place. People pay for timely solutions to unrecognized needs. If you spot those and paint a vivid picture for people to see, you’ll be surprised by how profitable it can be within a certain niche.

Be strategic about how you use LinkedIn and cold outreach emails. Remember business is founded upon relationships, so the ability to create as well as maintain these relationships is important. Provide value rather than sell, sell, sell.

Create shareable content. Use these five elements to help your content go viral: adventure, comedy, emotion, inspiration and surprise. Jay Shetty, for example, attributes his successful videos to his real-life experiences backed up by his concepts and ability to explain them with poetic and simplistic language. The more value he gives, the more value he gets in return.


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Social media is a great everyday opportunity to test and learn your hook points at scale. You can also look for social influencers who are well connected in your niche to accelerate your business growth. Never underestimate the importance of influencers. Working with the right celebrities can fast-track your marketing process.

Be kind to everyone. Kindness is the name of the game. Remember you never know who may end up becoming instrumental to you and your business in the future. Referrals and word of mouth advertising are some of the best and cost-efficient way to market your business.

Go as big and loud as possible to grab attention of the right people. If you effectively combine your online and offline presence, you’ll be surprised by how likely you’re able to create a successful long-lasting brand.


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If you want access to influencers, celebrities, or billionaires, go through the trusted circle, instead of approaching them directly. Ask yourself “What keep these CEOs, celebrities or billionaires at night?” When you’re in the room with them, ask “As the leader of this organization, what are your biggest priorities?… and concerns?”

If you want A-class clients, be adaptable and read each person as an individual, not as a number. Meet their needs in every way you can while providing the top-notch service. You don’t have to feel insecure about high-level people. Just try to stay present and focus on the work.

Know your strengths, as well as weaknesses. Hire people who can cover for you in your weak points.

Reinventing the wheel isn’t always necessary. Learn from what’s working, what’s not and let them guide you in creating yours.


Your hook point is dead, long live the hook point

Finding the hook point in your niche is never an easy task, which is why you need to work at it every day. Successful brands are great story tellers. Treat your brand like a movie studio (remember Marvel?) and keep your messaging consistent and clear across different channels.

Finding the hook point is never a one-off task. Your hooks need to be constantly revisited, tested and innovated. Instill, ‘test, learn and evolve’ way of thinking into your workforce and their approach to business. Innovation keeps you strong and helps you stay in the forefront of the 3-second business world.

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