Summary: Lead with We By Simon Mainwaring
Summary: Lead with We By Simon Mainwaring

Summary: Lead with We By Simon Mainwaring

The Rise of We First Capitalism

Business—meaning all its stakeholders, including consumers—is uniquely equipped to address compounding social and environmental crises now presenting an existential threat to humanity with speed and at an equal scale.

The twin crises of 2020–21—the global pandemic and the racial justice movement—have demonstrated how business must now respond in real time and with greater authenticity to better serve all stakeholders on other key crises, including the environmental emergency.

For humanity to survive and business to thrive, WE must work WITH each other in new ways to restore the integrity and well-being of our social and natural ecosystems.


Urgency: A Confluence of Crises

Recognize the urgency and responsibility to respond individually and collectively to the environmental challenges that threaten humanity, society, and your business.

Take a stand on social and environmental issues, even if and as they become politicized, to drive business relevance, growth, and impact.

Understand that our collaborative efforts—framed

Spiral—mimic the regenerative dynamics of nature that we must engage to increase the speed and scale of our response.

1.LEAD—Adopt, execute, and iterate with a first responder mindset to best prepare your business to support all stakeholders in the face of ongoing crises—and inevitable future challenges.

2.WITH—Respond to polarizing or politicized social and environmental issues in alignment with your predetermined purpose and values, and in partnership with like-minded stakeholders and organizations.

3.WE—Seek to consistently expand the Breadth of Your WITH (all your partners) to increase your positive impact on the collective WE.


Paradigm: A Revolutionary New Narrative

Initiate a new story of business, wherein WE all approach our shared responsibility for our future with optimism and hope, and employ our empathy and excitement to inspire others to join WITH us and this movement.

Humanize your business by sharing people-focused stories that remind us all of our responsibility, agency, and incentives, while also securing and scaling engagement by all stakeholders and partners.

Solve long-term issues while also addressing emergent crises with an expansive ambition to improve life for humanity and the planet.

1.LEAD—Tell a new story about business. Cultivate a mindset and practice of business that finds and executes opportunities in challenges and crises.

2.WITH—Drive collaborative impact with nature as your model from wherever you are on your impact journey.

3.WE—Hold yourself consistently and transparently accountable to metrics that identify how you are benefiting all stakeholders through meaningful and measurable results.


Purpose: The Leadership Mindset to Slingshot Business Growth

Upgrade your business ambitions to drive growth through purpose, as they are two sides of the same coin.

Enterprises, companies, and startups can each leverage purpose to enhance their supply chains, build a productive culture, drive sales, and scale impact in partnership with all stakeholders.

Purpose must be activated in authentic and collaborative ways to inspire the trust, especially among younger generations, that drives engagement and scales impact.

1.LEAD—Identify where you are on your purpose journey through an honest self-audit, then take appropriate and persistent steps to upgrade your leadership.

2.WITH—Use the LEAD WITH WE methodology to define an authentic and differentiating purpose that serves as an animating force for your company and its stakeholders to co-create its activation with you.

3.WE—Leverage your purpose as a company-wide decision-making filter to ensure that all aspects of your company are consistently working, evolving, and innovating to unlock solutions that benefit society and the planet.

1.LEAD—Identify where you are on your purpose journey through an honest self-audit, then take appropriate and persistent steps to upgrade your leadership.

2.WITH—Use the LEAD WITH WE methodology to define an authentic and differentiating purpose that serves as an animating force for your company and its stakeholders to co-create its activation with you.

3.WE—Leverage your purpose as a company-wide decision-making filter to ensure that all aspects of your company are consistently working, evolving, and innovating to unlock solutions that benefit society


Culture: Guiding an Internal Transformation of Your Business

Recognize and rise to the new expectations of leadership to build, strengthen, and reward a productive culture of purpose, starting with your own employees, whose expectations and demands have changed with incoming generations.

Examine collaboratively what issues your company can address together, and what it means to LEAD authentic, collaborative action on what you all care about most.

Build a culture that recognizes, elevates, and celebrates the humanity of its employees and their passion for addressing social and environmental issues.

1.LEAD—Align around integrating purpose into business goals and internal communications so that culture starts at the top and is built bottom up.

2.WITH—Use planning, training, and tools to consistently integrate purpose among internal stakeholders who then co-create its activation and advancement.

3.WE—Consistently review, and transparently communicate, progress across the breadth of internal activations, including sustainability, ESG, and DI&E efforts.


Community: Inspiring Customers to Scale Growth & Impact

Shift from “marketing” to “movement-making” in ways that inspire all stakeholders to build your business and its impact WITH you.

Use your purpose to launch brand movements, building momentum through storytelling, partnerships, and impact.

Determine the appropriate tone of your brand voice and engage consistently with selected social and environmental issues on this basis.

1.LEAD—Determine what issues or impact are most authentic to your brand, aligned with your purpose, and relevant to your future.

2.WITH—Leverage The Four C’s to ensure your brand becomes an effective community architect: Co-ownership, Co-authorship, Co-creation, and multiple forms of Collaboration.

3.WE—Create new movements, or join existing ones that most effectively solve challenges that are meaningful and motivating for all your stakeholders.


Society: Collaborating to Reinvent Business

Brands must define and LEAD the cultural conversations they are best qualified to address, with the goal of positively shaping culture and society.

Pre-competitive collaboration unlocks and scales profitable innovations, elevates industry reputation, and scales solutions for a regenerative and sustainable future, while fortifying trust that insulates against future controversy.

A requisite coalition of stakeholders, including the critical participation of the investor class, is enabling new market forces with the potential to regenerate our collective future.

1.LEAD—Drive cultural conversations with clearly defined pillars and proof points to achieve lasting business growth and societal impact.

2.WITH—Be proactive, responsive, and/or reactive in service of these cultural conversations and changes you seek to co-create WITH other stakeholders.

3.WE—Participate in pre-competitive collaborations, industry coalitions, and cross-sector alliances to accelerate and scale industry-wide shifts, net positive solutions, and regenerative practices.


Transcendence: Committing to Each Other & the Planet

Yes, a LEAD WITH WE attitude and approach allows us to tackle current conditions on the ground, and go a long way together in reversing the damage our species has already done. But gaining LEAD WITH WE traction and momentum will also help preempt and remedy inevitable future global challenges … the as-yet-unforeseen predicaments a failure of our imagination must not cause us to ignore.

The rising specter of an AI that outstrips humanity in terms of intelligence, productivity, and self-sufficiency. The ethical, social, and practical fallout of life-extension hacks and other human upgrades through advancing biotechnology. The predictable interplanetary tension between off-world homes as they compete over rights, resources, and prosperity. The ownership, regulation, and distribution of countless extinct animal and plant species as science unlocks the secrets to their restoration.

LEAD WITH WE mindsets and methods already in progress are paving the way toward envisioning, articulating, and executing a new and long-term human-ecological equilibrium. A new beginning, really. A brighter future for our species, and the world. The Higher WE. This is our best and only hope. We must leverage this guiding narrative, to LEAD WITH WE in all things, embracing our interdependence as a fulcrum of strength, and let its essence serve as an enabling, inclusive, and calibrating compass, a new North Star to direct us sensibly to resolve the accelerating, dizzying, stupefying challenges we will all face. A target to aim for in the center of kaleidoscopic options.

The future we need is within us. It is us. We are our own transcendent heroes. Our job is to share this story. And to live it. It is the story of WE, working WITH each other. It is the time for us all to LEAD.