Summary: One Word That Will Change Your Life by Dan Britton, Jimmy Page, Jon Gordon
Summary: One Word That Will Change Your Life by Dan Britton, Jimmy Page, Jon Gordon

Summary: One Word That Will Change Your Life by Dan Britton, Jimmy Page, Jon Gordon

One Word Works

The One Word process is something you can do with your team at work and your family at home, too. Just imagine if everyone in your workplace knew their word and lived it each day, thus making themselves and their teams better. Imagine how energizing this would be for your family as well.

One Word is timeless and powerful. It doesn’t change with changing times or culture. It is built on the power of process . . . just three simple steps.


Step #1 Unplug and Look In

Ask the following three key questions to prepare your heart for your One Word.

  1. What do I need? This isn’t necessarily about what you want but rather what you truly need. What areas of your life need the most change, and why? This question helps uncover some obvious and hidden issues that need your attention. It also jump-starts the list of possible words for the year.
  2. What’s in my way? Looking for obstacles or things that are preventing personal growth is a powerful process. “What is preventing me from having what I need?” The answers to this question can be revealing. Sometimes the barriers are simply in our mind.
  3. What needs to go? Sometimes, we are held hostage by past mistakes or pain. Bitterness and lack of forgiveness hold us back. Other times, the words should have or could have prevented us from moving forward. This question helps you identify the things you need to let go of in order to make progress.


Step #2 Plug In and Listen Up

The One Word process is a journey to discover a God word, not just a good word. A good word is one that makes sense, because it is an area of your life that needs work or development. But a God word is more personal, and it’s revealed to you specifically for this moment in time.

Most people talk to God, but few listen to God. After asking God to reveal your word, it’s important to listen and be open to the word that God shares. God uses all means to communicate with us, and you never know when, where, and how your word will be revealed to you.


Step #3 Look Out and Live It

Look out, and you’ll begin to see opportunities all around you. Look out, because One Word will change your life in unexpected ways.

Step outside your comfort zone. You may immediately see some areas of opportunity in which you could improve. This is the low-hanging fruit. You may be tempted to think that this is going to be easy. Yet the difficult areas of life change are often revealed later.

It’s essential to remember and focus on your word throughout the year. The stress and challenges of life will cause you to forget your word if you let them. If your word is not at the top of your mind, it will be forgotten.