Summary: The Magic of Thinking BIG by David J. Schwartz
Summary: The Magic of Thinking BIG by David J. Schwartz

Summary: The Magic of Thinking BIG by David J. Schwartz


Believe. Really believe that I can succeed. And I will.

Respect the leader. Learn from him. Observe him. Study him. But don’t worship him. Believe I can surpass him. Believe I can go beyond.

Develop the power of belief

1. Think success, don’t think failure.

2. Remind myself regularly I’m better than I think I am.

3. Believe big.

My personal training programs

Self-administered. No one will be standing over my shoulder telling me what to do and how to do it. Only I can understand, command and evaluate my progress. Only I can bring about corrective action should I slip a little.


Vaccinate myself against excuses

Once the victim of the failure diseases has selected a ‘good’ excuse, he sticks with it. Then he relies on the excuse to explain to himself and others why he’s not going forward. Each time he makes an excuse, the excuse becomes embedded deeper within his subconsciousness.

BUT… my health isn’t good.

There’s something physically wrong with everybody. Perfect specimen of adult life doesn’t exist.

Sure, taking insulin shots is an inconvenience, but so is shaving. I’m not going to think myself to bed. When I take these shots, I just praise the guys who discovered insulin.

Banish my Health excuses

1. Refuse to talk about my health.

2. Refuse to worry about my health.

3. Be genuinely grateful that my health is as good as it is.

4. Remind me often.

 BUT… I’ve got to have brains to succeed.

Most of us underestimate our brainpower and overestimate others’ brainpower. What really matters is not how much intelligence I have but how I use what I do have.

Banish my Intelligence excuses

1. Never underestimate my own intelligence.

2. Never overestimate others’ intelligence.

3. Remember my attitudes are more important than my intelligence.

4. Remember to think than to memorize facts. “Am I using my mental ability to make history or am I using it merely to record history made by others?”

BUT… it’s no use. I’m too old (or too young)

Banish my Age excuses

1. Look at my present age positively. Think “I’m still young” not “I’m already old”.

2. Compute how much productive time I’ve left. Remember 30-year-old still has 80 percent of his productive life ahead of him. And 50-year-old still has a big 40 percent of his opportunity years left. Life is longer than most people think.

3. Invest future time in doing what I really want to do. Stop thinking “I should have started years ago.” Start thinking “I’m going to start now; my best years are ahead of me.”

BUT… my case is different. I attract bad luck.

People who rise to the top in any occupation – business management, selling, law, engineering, acting, get there because they have superior attitudes and use their good sense in applied hard work.

Summary: Cure myself of excuses, the failure disease

1. Accept the law of cause and effect. Take a second look at what appears to be someone’s good luck. I’ll find that not luck but preparation, planning and success-producing thinking preceded his good fortune.

2. Don’t be a wishful thinker. Don’t count on luck for promotion, victories and good things in life.


Fear is real. Action cures fear.

1. I’m embarrassed because of my personal appearance.

Improve it. Go to a barber. Shine my shoes. Get my clothes cleaned and pressed. Practice better grooming. It doesn’t’ always take new clothes.

2. I fear of losing an important customer.

Work doubly hard to give better service. Correct anything that may have caused customers to lose confidence in me.

3. I fear of failing an exam.

Convert worry time into a study time.

4. I fear of things totally beyond my control.

Turn my attention to helping to relieve the fear of others. Pray.

5. I fear of being physically hurt by something I can’t control, such as a tornado or an airplane out of control.

Switch my attention to something totally different. Go out with my friends. Play with my dog. Spend time with my parents. Go to a movie.

6. I fear of what others may think or say.

Make sure what I plan to do is right. Then do it. No one ever does anything worthwhile and doesn’t get criticized.

7. I fear of making an investment or purchasing a home.

Analyze all factors. Then be decisive. Make a decision and stick with it. Trust my own judgement.

8. I fear of people.

Put them into proper perspective. Remember the other person is just another human being pretty much like myself.

Put people into proper perspective

  1. Get a balanced view of the other fellow.
  2. Develop an understanding attitude.

Underneath he’s probably a very nice guy. Most people are.

Summary: Build confidence and destroy fear

  1. Isolate my fear. Determine exactly what I’m afraid of.
  2. Take action. There’s some kind of action for any kind of fear.
  3. Don’t hesitate. Hesitation only magnifies the fear. Take action promptly. Be decisive.
  4. Deposit only positive thoughts in my memory bank.
  5. Withdraw only positive thoughts from my memory bank.
  6. Be a front seater.
  7. Practice making eye contact.
  8. Walk 25 percent faster.
  9. Practice speaking up.
  10. Smile big.


Phrases  that create small, negative mind images Phrases that create big, positive mind images
It’s no use, we’re whipped. We’re not whipped yet. Let’s keep trying. Here’s a new angle.
I was in that business once and failed. Never again. I went broke but it was my own fault. I’m going to try again.
I’ve tried but the product won’t sell. People don’t want it. So far I’ve not been able to sell this product. But I know it is good and I’m going to find the formula that will put it over.
The market is saturated. Imagine, 75 percent of the potential has already been sold. Better get out. Imagine, 25 percent of the market is still not sold. Count me in. This looks big!
Their orders have been small. Cut them off. Their orders have been small. Let’s map out a plan for selling them more of their needs.
Five years is too long a time to spend before I’ll get into the top ranks in your company. Count me out. Five years is not really a long time. Just think, that leaves me 30 years to serve at a high level.
The competition has all the advantage. How do you expect me to sell against them? Competition is strong. There’s no denying that, but no one ever has all the advantages. Let’s put our heads together and figure out a way to beat them at their own game.
Nobody will ever want that product. In its present form, it may not be salable, but let’s consider some modifications.
Let’s wait until a recession comes along, then buy stocks. Let’s invest now. Bet on prosperity, not depression.
I’m toto young (old) for the job. Being young (old) is a distinct advantage.
It won’t work, let me prove it. The image: dark, gloom, disappointment, grief, failure. It will work, let me prove it. The image: bright, hope, success, fun, victory.

Develop the big thinker’s vocabulary

Use big, positive, cheerful words and phrases to describe how I feel.

How are you? Just wonderful! Thanks, and you?

Use bright, cheerful, favorable words and phrases to describe other people.

He’s a fine fellow.

See things as what they can be, not just what it is

  1. Practice adding value to things.
  2. Practice adding values to people.
  3. Practice adding value to myself.

What does it take to make a good speech?

All successful public speakers have one thing in common. They have something to say and they feel a burning desire for other people to hear it. Don’t let trivial concerns keep you from speaking successfully in public.

What causes quarrels?

Whenever I feel like taking negative action, ask myself Is it important?

John got the smallest office and fizzled out.

Small thinking about unimportant things like seeing my name last on the department route sheet can hurt me. Think big, and none of these little things can hold me back.

Stop thinking about trivialities

  1. Keep my eye on the big objective.
  2. Ask “Is it really important?”
  3. Don’t’ become submerged under surface issues.

Measure my Size of Thinking

Situation Petty thinker’s approach Big thinker’s approach
Expense accounts Figures out ways to increase income through chiseling on expense accounts. Figures out ways to increase income by selling more merchandise.
Conversation Talks about negative qualities of his friends, economy, company and competition. Talks about positive qualities of his friends, economy, company and competition.
Progress Believes in retrenchment or at the best the status quo. Believes in expansion.
Future Views the future as limited Sees the future as very promising.
Work Looks for ways to avoid work. Looks for more ways and things to do, especially helping others.
Competition Competes with the average. Competes with the best.
Budget problems Figures out ways to save money by cutting back on necessary items. Figures out ways to increase income and buy more of the necessary items.
Goals Set goals low. Set goals high.
Goals vision Sees only the short run. Is preoccupied with the long run.
Security Is preoccupied with security problems. Regards security as a natural companion of success.
Companionship Surrounds himself with petty thinkers. Surrounds himself with big thinkers.
Mistakes Magnifies minor errors. Turns them into big issues. Ignores errors of little consequence.

Summary: How to think big

  1. Don’t sell myself short. I’m better than I think I am.
  2. Use the big thinker’s vocabulary.
  3. Stretch my vision. See what can be, not just what is.
  4. Get the big view of my job. Think really think my present job is important.
  5. Think above trivial things. Focus on big objective.


Fight traditional thinking

  1. Become receptive to ideas. Destroy “Won’t work” “Can’t be done.” “It’s useless”.
  2. Become experimental. Break up fixed routines. Expose myself to new things restaurants, books, theatres, and friends. Take a different route to work someday, a different vacation this year.
  3. Become progressive, not regressive. Destroy “That’s the way we did it where I used to work, so we ought to do it that way here”.

Do more. It pays more.

  1. Eagerly accept the opportunity to do more. Taking on more responsibility makes me stand out and shows that I’m more valuable.
  2. Next, concentrate on “How can I do more?” Creative answers will come.

Ask and listen. It strengthens my creativity.

  1. Encourage others to talk. “What do you think should be done…” “Tell me about your experience.”
  2. Test my own views in the form of questions. Use the what-do-you-think-of-this-suggestion?
  3. Concentrate on what other person says. Listening is more than keeping my mouth shut. It means letting what’s said penetrate my mind.

Develop ideas.

  1. Don’t let ideas escape. Write them down. Carry a notebook or some small cards.
  2. Review my ideas. File my ideas in an active file. Go over my ideas. Get rid of the ones with no values. Keep the idea as long as it has any promise.
  3. Cultivate and fertilize my idea. Make my idea grow.

Summary: Thinking and dreaming creatively

  1. Believe it can be done. If I believe that something can be done, my mind will find ways to do it.
  2. Don’t let tradition paralyze my mind. Be receptive to new ideas. Be experimental. Be progressive.
  3. Ask myself daily “How can I do better?”, not “Can I do better?”.
  4. Ask myself “How can I do more?” Do what I do better (quality) and do what I do more (quantity).
  5. Practice asking and listening. Big people monopolize the listening. Small people monopolize the talking.
  6. Stretch my mind. Associate people who can help me think of new ideas and new ways of doing things.


I must think I’m important. How I think determines how I act. How I act in turn determines How others react to me.

Look important.

Pay twice as much and buy half as many because

  1. My garments will last twice as long.
  2. I will stay in style longer.
  3. I’ll get better advice from the merchant.

Think my work is important.

  1. Always show positive attitudes toward my job so that my subordinates will pick up the right thinking.
  2. As I approach my job each day, ask myself “Am I worthy in every respect of being imitated?” “Are all my habits such that I would be glad to see them in my subordinates?”

Give myself a pep talk every now and then.

William, meet William – an important a really important person. William, you’re a big thinker, so think big. Think big about everything. You’ve got plenty of ability to do a first-class job, so do a first-class job.

William, you believe in happiness, progress and prosperity. So, talk only happiness, talk only progress, talk only prosperity.

You have lots of drive, William, lots of drive. So put that drive to work. Nothing can stop you, William, nothing.

William, you’re enthusiastic. Let your enthusiasm show through. You look good, William, and you feel god. Stay that way.

William, you were a great fellow yesterday and you’re going to be an even greater fellow today. Now go to it William. Go Forward!!

Check my thinking. Ask myself.

When I worry Would an important person worry about this? Would the most successful person I know be disturbed about this?
An idea What would an important person do if he had this idea?
My appearance Do I look like someone who has maximum self-respect?
My language Am I using the language of successful people?
What I read Would an important person read this?
Conversation Is this something successful people would discuss?
When I lose my temper Would an important person get mad at what I’m mad at?
My jokes Is this the kind of joke an important person would tell?
My job How does an important person describe his job to others?

Summary: I am what I think I am.

  1. Look important. It helps me think important.
  2. Think my work is important. I will receive mental signals on how to do my job better. My subordinates will think their work is important too.
  3. Give myself a pep talk several times daily. Build a sell-myself-to-myself commercial.
  4. In all of life’ situations, ask myself “Is this the way an important person thinks?” Then obey the answer.


Make my social environment first class.

  1. Make new friends. Join new organizations. Enlarge my social orbit.
  2. Select friends who have real potential and have views different from my own.
  3. Select friends who stand above petty, unimportant things.

Am I a gossiper? Ask myself.

  1. Do I spread rumors about other people?
  2. Do I always have good things to say about other people?
  3. Do I like to hear reports of a scandal?
  4. DO I judge others only on the basis of facts?
  5. Do I encourage others to bring rumors to me?
  6. Do I precede my conversations with “Don’t tell anybody?”
  7. DO I keep confidential information confidential?
  8. DO I feel guilty about what I say concerning other people?

Summary: Manage my environment. Go first class.

  1. Be environment-conscious. Just as body diet makes the body, mind diet makes the mind.
  2. Make my environment work for me, not against me. Don’t let suppressive forces you-can’t-do-it people defeat my thinking.
  3. Don’t let small-thinking people hold me back. Jealous people want to see me stumble.
  4. Get my advice from successful people. My future is important. Never risk it with freelance advisors who’re living failures.
  5. Get plenty of psychological sunshine. Circulate in new groups. Discover new and stimulating things to do.
  6. Throw thought position out of my environment. Avoid gossip. Talk about people, but stay on the positive side.
  7. Go first class in everything I do. I can’t afford to go any other way.


Grow these attitudes.

  1. Grow the attitude I’m activated.
  2. Grow the attitude You are important.
  3. Grow the attitude of Service first.

I’m activated.

Enthusiasm can make things 1,100 percent better. To activate others, to get them to be enthusiastic, I must first be enthusiastic myself.

Dig into it deeper. Chances are I’m quite unenthusiastic about bumblebees. But if I study them, find out what good they do, how they relate to other bees, how they reproduce, … I will soon find myself really interested in bumblebees.

In everything I do, life it up. Life up my handshake. Life up my smile. Life up my thank you. Life up my talk. Broadcast good news. Good news does more than get attention: good news please people.

You’re important.

When I help others feel important, I help myself feel important too.

Practice appreciation. Treating someone as second-class never gets me first-class results. Practice calling people by their names. Don’t hog glory, invest it instead.

Put service first.

Spend some time each day answering “How can I give more than that is expected of me?”

Put service first, and money takes care of itself.

Summary: Make my attitudes my allies

  1. Grow “I’m activated” attitude.
  2. Grow “You’re important” attitude.
  3. Grow “Service first” attitude.


Don’t try buying friendship.

If I do, I risk

  1. Wasting my money.
  2. Creating contempt.

Take the initiative in building friendships.

Leaders always take the initiative. It’s easy and natural for most to tell ourselves “Let him make the first move.” “Let them call us.” “Let her speak first.”

Win friends.

  1. Introduce myself at every possible opportunity – at parties, meetings, on airplanes.
  2. Be sure other person gets my name straight.
  3. Be sure I can pronounce other person’s name the way he pronounces it.
  4. Write down other person’s name and be mighty sure I spelled it correctly. People have a fetish about the correct spelling of their own names.
  5. Drop a personal note or make a phone call to the new friends I feel I want to know better.
  6. Say pleasant things to strangers. It warms me up and gets me ready for the tasks ahead.

Stop expecting perfection in people.

  1. Recognize the fact that no person is perfect. Some are more perfect than others but no man is absolutely perfect.
  2. Recognize the fact that other person has a right to be different.
  3. Don’t be a reformer. Most people intensely dislike being told “You’re wrong.” I have a right to my own opinion, but sometimes it’s better to keep it to myself.

When things go wrong, ask myself.

  1. What can I do to make myself more deserving of the next opportunity?
  2. What can I do to stop wasting time and energy being discouraged?
  3. What can I do to win next time?

Summary: Think right toward people

  1. Make myself lighter to lift. Be likable. Practice being the kind of person people like.
  2. Take the initiative in building friendships.
  3. Accept human differences and limitations.
  4. Tune in Channel Positive. Find qualities to like and admire in a person.
  5. Practice conversation generosity. Encourage others to talk on their views, opinions and accomplishments.
  6. Practice courtesy all the time. It makes people feel better. It makes me too.
  7. Don’t blame others hen I receive a setback. Remember how I think when I lose determines how long it will be until I win.


Avoid the costly mistake of waiting until conditions are perfect.

  1. Expect future obstacles and difficulties. Every venture presents risks problems and uncertainties. Eliminate as much risks as possible before I start. But I can’t eliminate all risks.
  2. Met problems and obstacles as they arise. The test of a successful person is not the ability to eliminate all problems before he takes action, but rather the ability to find solutions to difficulties as he encounters them.

Develop the initiative habit.

  1. Be a crusader. When I see something that I believe ought to be done, pick up the ball and run.
  2. Be a volunteer. By all means, volunteer for those special assignments.

Summary: Get the action habit

  1. Be an activationist. Be someone who does things. Be a doer, not a don’t-er.
  2. Don’t wait until conditions are perfect. They will never be. Expect future problems and obstacles and solve them as they arise.
  3. Remember, ideas alone won’t bring success. Ideas have value only when I act upon them.
  4. Use action to cure fear and gain confidence. Do what I fear, and fear disappears.
  5. Start my mental engine mechanically. Don’t wait for the spirit to move me. I move the spirit.
  6. Think in terms of now. Tomorrow, next week, later and similar words are often synonymous with the failure word, never.
  7. Get down to business – pronto. Don’t waste time getting ready to act.
  8. Seize the initiative. Be a crusader. Pick up the ball and run. Be a volunteer and show I’ve the ability and ambition to do.

Summary: How to Turn Defeat into Victory

  1. Study setbacks to pave my way to success. When I lose, I learn. Then go on to win next time.
  2. Have the courage to be my own constructive critic. Seek out my faults and weaknesses and then correct them.
  3. Stop blaming luck. Research each setback. Find out what went wrong.
  4. Blend persistence with experimentation. Stay with my goal but don’t beat my head against a stone wall. Try new approaches. Experiment.
  5. Remember there’s a good side in every situation. Find it. See the good side and whip discouragement.


Work department: 10 years from now…

  1. What income level do I want to attain?
  2. What level of responsibility do I seek?
  3. How much authority do I want to command?
  4. What prestige do I expect to gain from my work?

Home department: 10 years from now…

  1. What kind of standard of living do I want to provide for my family and myself?
  2. What kind of house do I want to live in?
  3. What kind of vacations do I want to take?
  4. What financial support do I want to give my children in their early adult years?

Social department: 10 years from now…

  1. What kinds of friends do I want to have?
  2. What social groups do I want to join?
  3. What community leadership positions would I like to hold?
  4. What worthwhile causes do I want to champion?

Destroy success suicide weapons.

  1. Self-depreciation. “I lack brains.” “I’d fail if I tried” “I lack the education” … Many young folks destroy desire with the old negative self-depreciation.
  2. Security. “I’ve got security where I am”
  3. Competition “The field is already overcrowded.”
  4. Parental dictation “I’d really like to prepare for something else, but my parents want me to do this, so I must.”
  5. Family responsibility. “It would have been wise for me to change over 5 years ago, but now I’ve got a family and I can’t change.”

30-day Improvement guide.

  1. Break these habits
    • Putting off things.
    • Negative language.
    • Watching TV more than 60 mins a day.
    • Gossip
  2. Acquire these habits
    • A rigid morning examination of my appearance
    • Plan each day’s work the night before.
    • Compliment people at every possible opportunity.
  3. Increase my value to my employer.
    • Do a better job of developing my subordinates
    • Learn more about my company.
    • Make 3 specific suggestions to help my company become more efficient.
  4. Increase my value to my home.
    • Show more appreciation for the little things my family does that I’ve been taking for granted.
    • Once each week, do something special with my family.
    • Give 1 hour a day of my undivided attention to my family.
  5. Sharpen my mind.
    • Invest 2 hours a week in reading professional magazines in my field.
    • Read 1 self-help.
    • Make 4 new friends.
    • Spend 30 minutes daily in quiet, undisturbed thinking.

Use the Principle of Next Mile.

Step-by-step method is the only intelligent way to attain any objective. Instead of trying to reach the ultimate goal, the person resolves not to smoke for another hour. When the our is up, the smoker simply renews his resolution not to smoke for another hour. Later, as desire diminishes, the period is extended to two hours, later to a day. Eventually, the goal is won.

An hour is easy; forever is difficult.

Each step is a groundwork toward my ultimate goal.

Sometimes it appears someone achieves success all at once. However, if I check the past histories of people who seemed to arrive at the top suddenly, I’ll discover a lot of solid groundwork was previously laid. And those successful people who lose fame as fast as they found it simply were phonies who had not built a solid foundation.

Summary: Use goals to help me grow

  1. Get clear fix on where I want to go. My life is too important to be left to chance. Put down on paper what I want to accomplish in my work, my home and my social departments.
  2. Surrender myself to my desire. When I let my goals absorb, I’ll find myself making the right decisions to reach my goal.
  3. Achieve my goal one step at a time. Regard each task I perform, regardless of how small it may seem, as a step toward my goal.
  4. Build 30-day goals. Day-by-day effort pays off.
  5. Take detours in stride. A detour simply means another route. It should never mean surrendering the goal.
  6. Invest in myself. Purchase those things that build mental power and efficiency. Invest in education. Invest in idea starters.


4 leadership principles

  1. Trade minds with people I want to influence.
  2. Think: What is the human way to handle this?
  3. Think progress, believe in progress, push for progress.
  4. Take time to confer with myself and develop my supreme thinking power.

Practice trading minds.

  1. Consider other persons’ situation. Put myself in his shoe, so to speak. Remember his interests, income, intelligence, and background may differ considerably from mine.
  2. Ask myself “If I were in his situation, how would I react to this?”
  3. Take action that would move me if I were the other person.
Giving someone work. Looking at this from his point of view, have I made myself clear?
Writing an ad. If I were a typical prospective buyer, how would I react to this ad?
Telephone manners. If I were the other person, what would I think of my telephone voice and manners?
Gift Is this gift something I would like or he will like? (often there’s enormous difference)
The way I give orders Would I like to carry out orders if they were given to me the way I give them?
Child discipline If I were the child – considering his age, experience, and emotions – how would I react to this discipline?
My appearance What would I think of my superior if he were dressed like me?
Preparing a speech Considering the background and interests of the audience, what would I think of this remark?
Entertainment IF I were my guests, what kinds of food, music and entertainment would I like best?

Handle people in human way.

A man big enough to be humble appears more confident than the insecure man who feels compelled to call attention to his accomplishments. A little modesty goes a long way.

Think progress. Believe in progress. Push for progress.

  1. Think improvement in everything I do.
  2. Think high standards in everything I do.

Do I think progressively?

  1. Do I think progressively toward my work?
    • Do I appraise my work with the how-can-we-do-it-better attitude?
    • Do I praise my company, the people in it, and the products it sells at every possible opportunity?
    • Are my personal standards with reference to the quantity and quality of my output higher now than three or six months ago?
    • Am I setting an excellent example for my subordinates, associates and others?
  2. Do I think progressively toward my family?
    • Is my family happier today than it was three or six months ago?
    • Am I following a plan to improve my family’s standard of living?
    • Does my family have an ample variety of stimulating activities outside the home?
    • Do I set an example of progressive, a supporter of progress, for my children?
  3. Do I think progressively toward myself?
    • Can I honestly say I am a more valuable person today than six or three months ago?
    • Am I following a originated self-improvement program to increase my value to others?
    • Do I have forward-looking goals for at least five years in the future?
    • Am I a booster in every organization or group to which I belong?
  4. Do I think progressively toward my community?
    • Have I done anything in the past six months that I honestly feel has improved my community?
    • DO I boost worthwhile community projects rather than object or complain?
    • Have I ever taken the lead in bringing about some worthwhile improvement in my community?
    • Do I speak well of my neighbors and my fellow citizens?

Take time for managed solitude.

Decisions and observations made alone in managed solitude have an uncanny way of being 100 percent right. The job o f a leader is thinking. Best preparation for leadership is thinking. Spend some time with myself (at least 30 minutes a day) to tap my supreme thinking power.

Summary: How to think like a leader.

  1. Trade minds with people I want to influence. See the world through their eyes.
  2. Apply the be-human rule in my dealings with others. Put other people first. Just give other people the kind of treatment I like to receive.
  3. Think progress, believe in progress, push for progress. Think improvement in everything I do. Set higher standards. Over a period of time, my subordinates will become carbon copies of me.
  4. Take time out to confer with myself and tap my supreme thinking power. Use it to release my creating power. Spend some time alone every day just fort thinking.


When little people try to drive me down, Think BIG.

  1. I win when I refuse to fight petty people. Fighting little people reduces me to their size. Stay big.
  2. Expect to be sniped at. It’s proof I’m growing.
  3. Remind myself that snipers are psychologically sick. Be big. Feel sorry for them.

When that I-Haven’t-Got-What-It-Takes feeling creeps up on me, Think BIG

  1. Look important. It helps me think important. How I look on the outside has a lot to do with ho I feel on the inside.
  2. Concentrate on my assets. Build a sell-myself-to-myself commercial and use it. Learn to supercharge myself. Know my positive self.
  3. Put other people in proper perspective. They’re just another human being, so why be afraid of them?

When an argument or quarrel seems inevitable, Think BIG

  1. Ask myself “Honestly now, is this thing really important enough to argue about?”
  2. Remind myself, I never gain anything from an argument but I always lose something.

When I feel defeated, Think BIG

  1. Regard the setback as a lesson. Learn form it. Research it. Use it to propel me forward. Salvage something from every setback.
  2. Blend persistence with experimentation. Back off and start afresh with a new approach.

When romance starts to slip, Think BIG

  1. Concentrate on the biggest qualities in other person. Put little things where they belong – in second place.
  2. DO something special for my family and do it often.

When I feel my progress on the job is slowing down, Think BIGThink “How can I do it better?”

Put service first, and the money will take care of itself.

A wise man will be master of his mind. A fool will be its slave.