Summary: The ONE Thing by Gary Keller
Summary: The ONE Thing by Gary Keller

Summary: The ONE Thing by Gary Keller

Find the lead domino knock it down until the big one falls. Success is built sequentially. ONE thing at a time.


 The Myth of To-do Lists

  • Just because you’re getting things done doesn’t mean you’re being effective.
  • 80/20 rule 80% of our output comes from 20% of our actions.
  • Focus on 20% of your action, filter and repeat until ONE thing is left. Tat is what you should be doing.


The Myth of Willpower

  • Success is about doing the Right thing, not doing everything Right
  • Every morning you start with full tank. As day goes on you draw on it using it up. As the tank depletes, so does our concentration. You’re done. Willpower is finite. Use with care.
  • Do most important thing first before willpower is drawn down.
  • Multitasking is widely mistreated .When you try to do too much at once, you can end up doing nothing well.

If you’re trying to land a copper, you’d stop talking to a friend. But if you’re driving you might keep talking.


The Myth of Work-Life balance

  • Balance brings average. Average means … average.
  • We automatically go out of balance when we act on our priority.
  • Focus on ONE, lean towards it. May be for up to 10,000 hours.

Magic never happens in the middle. It happens at the extremes.


Going ‘Extreme’

When you say yes to something, see what you’re saying no to.

  • 1 out of 100. That’s extreme. That’s going small but EXTREME. So prepare to say “NO” a lot.
  • Do Say NO. When you go small, you have to say no a lot. What you say YES must be connected to the ONE thing of you.
  • Embrace Chaos. When you strive for greatness, chaos is guaranteed to show up.

The things that are most important doesn’t scream the loudest.


Willpower has its limits

Willpower is like a fast-twitch muscle its incredibly explosive but has no endurance

Foods that elevate blood sugar evenly over long periods, like complex carbs and proteins should be your choice of fuel. Work on what matters most when your willpower is at its highest (in the mornings usually).

The more you resist something, the more willpower you will use up.


Five Juggling Balls

  1. Work
  2. Family
  3. Health
  4. Friends
  5. Integrity

Work is like a rubber ball, if it falls it will bounce back. Other balls are made of glass. If you drop, they will be scuffed, nicked, shattered.



Put all your eggs in one basket and watch that basket

Secret of getting ahead is getting started. Secret of getting started is breaking complex tasks into simple, manageable ones.


Live Your Life With 3Ps

#1 Purpose

Happiness happens on the way to fulfillment.

What’s the one thing you can do in your life that would mean the most to you and the world, such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary.

  • Pick a direction.
  • Start marching.
  • See how you like it. Time brings clarity, if you don’t like it you can always change your mind.
  • Rinse, wash, repeat
#2 Priority

Live with purpose you will know where you want to go. Live with priority you will know what to do to get there.

  • Extraordinary results come from stringing together powerful moments, one after another.
  • Visualize your process (students who visualized the process performed across the board).
  • Write down your goals (research says you’re 39.5% more likely to accomplish them).
#3 Productivity

Be a maker in the morning and manage in the afternoon.

  • Most successful people are the most productive people.
  • Time-blocking is the results-oriented way of viewing and using time, it’s making sure what has to be done gets done.
  • Manage your time around your downtime (rest), not otherwise.

Getting everything else done may help you sleep better at night, but it won’t earn you a promotion.


A Journey to Mastery

We become masters of what is behind us and apprentices of what is ahead.

Expertise goes hand in hand with hours invested.


OK Plateau

A coach or a mentor can definitely help you break through plateaus. In fact, the difference between amateurs and elites is that the elites seek out teachers and coaches.

Write down your goals and send progress reports to friends (77% more likely to achieve them if you do so).


Gary Wishes He Could Have

  • Worked less
  • Had courage to live a life to himself (not the ones others expected of him)
  • Had the courage to express his feelings

Most people regret their in-actions rather them their actions.


Actionable Advice

  • Ask Focusing Question : What’s the ONE thing I can do such that doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary.
  • For my job, what’s the ONE thing I can do to double my sales in 6 months such that doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary.
  • Some-Day Goal to 5-Year Goal to 1-Year Goal to 1-Month Goal to 1-Week Goal to Today Goal
  • 5-year View : Based on my someday goal, what’s the ONE thing I can do in next 5 years to be on track to achieve it.
  • Year View : Based on my 5-year goal, what’s the ONE thing I can do this year to be on track to achieve my 5-year goal, so that I’m on track to acheive my someday goal.
  • Month View : Based on my goal this year, what’s the ONE thing I can do this month to be on track to acheive my goal this year, so I’m on track to achieve my 5-year goal, so I’m on track to acheive my someday goal.
  • Week View : Based on my goal thsi month, what’s the ONE thing I can do this week to be on track to acheive my goal ths month, so I’m on track to acheive my goal thsi year, so I’m on track to achieve my 5-year goal, so I’m on track achieve my someday goal.
  • Day View : Based on my goal this week, what’s the ONE thing I can do today to be on track to achieve my week goal, so I’m on track to achieve my month goal so I’m on track to acheive my year goal, so I’m on track to achieve my 5-year goal, so I’m on track to acheive my someday goal.
  • Immediate ONE Thing : Based on my goal today, what’s the ONE thing I can do right NOW to be on track to achieve my goal today, so I’m on track to achieve my goal this week, so I’m on track to acheive my goal this month, so I’m on track to achieve my goal this year, so I’m on track to acheive my 5-year goal, so I’m on track to acheve my someday goal.


Key Takeaways

  • Put yourself together and your world will fall into its place.
  • What’s the one thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?
  • Ignore all you can do. Focus on what you should do. You try to do everything; you could wind up with nothing. If you do just ONE thing, the right ONE thing, you could wind up with everything you ever wanted.