Summary: Unstoppable By Dave Anderson
Summary: Unstoppable By Dave Anderson

Summary: Unstoppable By Dave Anderson


To become an unstoppable game changer, you must master the following mindset and behavioral adjustments:

Don’t even think about doing work that is less in quality or quantity than your absolute best. If you want to know how a game changer answers the question “How much is enough?,” the answer is simple: “All I possibly can.”

The good news for those aspiring to stand out in any organization is that it is not crowded at the top; it is crowded at the bottom. There is intense competition among the mediocre, where the undertakers and caretakers work and live. The recipe for standing out in a positive manner is both basic and brilliantly concise: Do all you can—the best you can—and do it every time.

If you are a top performer, stay humble and know that you are not above values and rules, and that what is good for the team will not be subordinated to your personal pride, preferences, or comfort zone.

In other words, it is not all about you. So get over yourself (everyone else has), and expect to be measured by two metrics: performance and behavioral excellence—and know that excelling at the former does not excuse neglect of the latter.



To become an unstoppable game changer, consider and act on the following four key differences between the valuable playmaker and the essential game changer

Being less consistent versus fanatically consistent.

Relying on external versus intrinsic motivation.

Having a mindset of pride and selfishness versus humility and team focus.

Seeking the extraordinary versus committing to do the ordinary both extraordinarily and consistently well.

As you evaluate your own mindset and performance, which of the tendencies dominates your daily thinking and actions more? What adjustments in thinking and performance will you make to spend more time in game changer status?



To become an unstoppable game changer, contemplate and take action on the following

How can you improve your daily focus and consistency on what matters most so that you can stay on track longer, and recover faster when you veer off course?

What changes in thinking do you need to make to shed any “I’m a victim” mindset (which distracts you with external conditions you cannot control) and build an “I own it” philosophy (which keeps you zeroed in to improve and upgrade the aspects of your job and life you can directly control and affect)?

Where have you been prone to blame “conditions,” and what are those conditions? Identify three daily decisions that will marginalize the impact of adverse conditions.

How can you compete more with your former self, and then translate those improvements to dominate your competition?

What do your body language and energy levels say about you? Are they positive only when things go your way? How can you change your thinking so you can change your energy and demonstrate powerful body language and energy levels even in adversity?



To become an unstoppable game changer, you will need to consider and take action on the following

Is your WHY specific enough to measure and quantify? Is it specific enough for you to know whether you are currently winning or losing, or if you will ultimately win or lose?

Is your WHY in writing somewhere so that you can review it as part of your morning mindset routine to help increase focus and purpose for each day?

What did your WHY make you do yesterday that you would not have done if you did not have a WHY? What is it making you do today for the same effect? If you cannot be specific, your WHY may not be compelling enough.



To become an unstoppable game changer, consider and act on the following elements:

Set aside time to write out your personal unstoppable philosophy. If you cannot articulate it, you cannot expect to execute it (at least not with consistency or conviction).

Understand that creating the ultimate unstoppable philosophy will be a work in progress, and something that you will continue to refine, expand, and redefine throughout your life.

Ensure that your philosophy addresses key areas like handling success or supposed failure, work ethic, character choices, relationships with others, taking responsibility, and the like.

Determine which aspects of your current or past philosophy have caused you to do less than your best, settle for less than you should, develop unproductive habits, or make ineffective decisions. Ensure that these aspects of your philosophy are revised and improved.

Use additional and helpful resources to help yourself and others create game changer performance. Read the book As a Man Thinketh by James Allen (Allen 2015).



To become an unstoppable game changer, consider and act on the following points:

Honestly evaluate the daily words, deeds, and attitude that constitute your example to those whom you care most about at home, at work, on the team, and in all your life’s arenas:

What about your example would make a great training film for aspiring game changers?

What about your example would have to change NOW to make the film more compelling?

While you may have been given poor examples by parents, coaches, or bosses in the past, do you understand that you are still responsible for the example you choose to demonstrate daily, and that you have the power to choose to do better?

Enter each day with the objective to leave people better than you find them—whether they are serving you in a restaurant or on your team. How can you leave them more encouraged, equipped, clear, inspired, accepted, and valued than they were before your path crossed theirs? This is one of the most fulfilling aspects of living a game changer life.

Can you accept that before you can more effectively influence others, you must first change yourself (your thinking; your work ethic; your character; your WHY; the amount of time you spend in your zone; your attitude, passion, and enthusiasm; your personal philosophy; and the health of your mindset)? If you have not started already, will you start now?