Summary: Wabi Sabi Love By Arielle Ford
Summary: Wabi Sabi Love By Arielle Ford

Summary: Wabi Sabi Love By Arielle Ford

Based on the ancient Japanese aesthetic of finding beauty in imperfection, Wabi Sabi Love is the art of loving your partner’s imperfections rather than indulging in the fantasy that your relationship can fire on all cylinders only when both people are acting perfectly and behaving in ways that are acceptable to the other.

Just imagine the possibilities that would open up in your relationship if you could learn to accept, embrace, and even find the gift in your partner’s imperfections. It is not just about tolerating our partners’ so-called flaws, but actually finding the perfection in all that is imperfect about them. By learning to live Wabi Sabi Love, you will create a heartfelt, loving, long-lasting, committed, joyful relationship that lights you up as a couple, knowing that you are greater together than apart and that your bond will be forever stronger, deeper, and more meaningful as a result of embracing these practices.

  • Having differences is inevitable. What matters is how we manage the differences, and this is where becoming a Wabi Sabi artisan really pays off.
  • Embracing the most fundamental aspects of your partner seals the bond in your relationship.
  • Play a part in your partner’s life story. When you engage in your love’s interests, you acknowledge not only the person, but also the passion.
  • Loving the quirks can be a perk when you see them as a part of the whole. Gratitude reminders help you see the Big Picture instead of dwelling on the details.
  • Being a Wabi Sabi couple means to give and receive, not just dump and vent.
  • Laughter is not only the world’s best medicine. It is also the glue that lightens difficult moments and acts as a delicious bonding agent.
  • When we are out of balance in our energies, our relationships become lopsided. Like two halves of a circle, each partner moves fluidly back and forth as in a dance. To avoid stepping on each other’s toes, stay conscious of the energies to remain in step with your partner.
  • When you feel into your partner’s deepest desire, you create a foundation for more harmony, unity, and joy.
  • Even in the darkest, most dangerous moments of a marriage, healing is possible when truth is shared with sincerity and vulnerability.
  • Forgiveness and sincere apologies for wrongdoing are the foundation of a healthy and lasting relationship.
  • A Wabi Sabi artisan takes a bird’s-eye view of the situation before choosing to react. A shift in position can change everything.
  • Turn on the faucet of your intuition. When you listen with your heart, you see with it too.
  • Wabi Sabi Love says you can evolve beyond your wounds to regain wholeness and grow a deeper and stronger love.
  • Playfulness and role-playing keep your relationship fresh, alive, and vibrant. The cousin of humor, playfulness is not only relaxing but also nurturing as you learn and grow together.
  • Care takes many forms. Wabi Sabi Love takes an open heart and an open mind to receive your partner’s deep level of care, even if it looks different from what you would expect.
  • To abbreviate suffering, practice empathy, compassion, and surrender for both yourself and your partner.

Ultimately, this book illuminates the essential truths about what happy couples do to keep the fires of love burning strong. The lessons are simple, and yet the results can be life changing.

  • Tell them you love and appreciate them.
  • Show them you care. It’s the little gestures that mean everything.
  • Learn to love what they love: find a way to share their passion for their favorite persons, hobbies, sports, or pastimes.
  • Practice empathy often, and take time to feel into their feelings.
  • Be willing to go from annoyed to enjoyed.
  • Appreciate the paradoxes in yourself, your partner, and in life.
  • Remember to find the beauty and perfection in the imperfection. It is there, if you are willing to peer through the cracks we all possess.

The choice is ours. We can choose happiness, we can choose our attitudes about any given thing, and we can choose to leave a legacy of love, understanding, and compassion in order to impact each other and the planet in a positive, sustainable manner.