Summary: Who Moved My Cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnson
Summary: Who Moved My Cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnson

Summary: Who Moved My Cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnson

Key Takeaways

  • Having cheese makes you happy.
  • The more important your cheese is to you, the more you want to hold onto it.
  • If you don’t change, prepare to go extinct.
  • Smell your cheese often so you know when it’s getting old.
  • What would you do if you wasn’t afraid?
  • If you move in a new direction, you are more likely to find a new cheese.
  • Your imagination of you enjoying your new cheese leads you to a new direction.
  • The quicker you let go of your old cheese, the sooner you find your new cheese.
  • Often, it’s safer to keep walking in a new direction than to remain in a cheeseless situation.
  • Your old beliefs do not lead you to a new cheese.
  • To adapt to bigger changes that are to come, you must notice small changes early on.

Change Happens

The world keeps moving your cheese. The only thing constant in the world is the change itself. So anticipate it.

Monitor Change

Smell your cheese often so you know when it’s getting old.

Adapt to Change Quickly

The quicker you let go of your old cheese, the sooner you enjoy your new cheese.


Move with your cheese.

Enjoy Change

Embark on new adventure and savor the taste of your new cheese.

Be Ready to Change Quickly and Enjoy it Again and Again!

The world will keep moving your cheese.

Every Organization has Four Characters

Sniffy – sniff out changes in the market place and help us update corporate vision.

Scurry – get things done based on the corporate vision and get results.

Hem – anchors that slow us down. Too comfortable with status quo. Too afraid to change.

Haw – initially hesitant. But open-minded enough to learn something new and act differently.

Change Starts with You

How many are afraid of Change?

No one responded.

How about a show of hands?

Only one hand went up.

Well it looks like we’ve got one honest person in our group! May be you’ll like this question better. How many here think other people are afraid of change?

Everyone raised their hands.

What does that tell us?

Sometimes we’re not even aware that we’re afraid of change.

“I need to let go of a bad relationship”

Or perhaps the old cheese is just a bad behavior. What you really need to let go of is the behavior that makes your relationship bad.

“The new cheese is a new relationship with the same person!”

Repeating the same behavior will get you the same results with different person. Same way instead of changing jobs, sometimes you should change the way you’re doing your job.

Use Peer Pressure to Drive Change

When one person say change is bad, the others say the same. They may not agree or feel that way but in order to fit in with others, they pretend to agree.

Tell the peers the Maze story. The peer pressure will change in a sense no one wants to look like Hem!