Business English: Asking for Repetition and Confirmation
Business English: Asking for Repetition and Confirmation

Business English: Asking for Repetition and Confirmation

Asking To Repeat

  • Would you mind repeating that for me again?
  • Would you mind going over that one more time?
  • Sorry, could I ask you to tell me X again?
  • Could you clarify what you meant by X?
  • Could you be more specific?


Confirming What You Heard

  • Let me see if I understood correctly.
  • If I understand you correctly, you are saying…
  • So what you are saying is… Is that what you meant?
  • I’d just like to confirm that I got that right.
  • You mean…?


Telling You Understood

  • Thanks for clarifying. I understand better now.
  • Thank you for repeating that. It makes more sense to me.
  • Thanks for explaining your point of view again. That helps me see where you’re coming from.
  • Thanks. We seem to be on the same page now.
  • I appreciate the clarification. Glad we agree on that.